Quenland's Mimzy Mayhem - Mimzy loved attention. She would be happy to climb into anyone's car. She is retired.
Sir Chewy is a retired breeding male. You might see his name under some of the pups. Sir Chewy is very athletic, affectionate, and a good representative of a Miniature Schnauzer. Chewy was born black but faded with age which is common. He weighs 18 pounds and stand at 14 inches tall. He produced a variety of pups, as you can see below. Most of his litters looked like this. First one is a pure black pup, a black/silver pup, a white pup, a salt/pepper pup. AKC standard recognized colors.
This black female pup on the right was born in 2015 from a Liver and White parti female schnauzer, Chewy was the father. She is Black. Because Chewy does not carry the whitening/parti gene she only has patches of white. The parti coloring gene is recessive and has to be bred in from both sides for color. If she is breed to a male parti schnauzer she will have some parti schnauzers.
A Salt and Pepper Female puppy from Chewy. Will turn silver in color.